Cheena Smoked Salmon Frequently Asked Questions

We source our salmon from local fishermen on the West Coast. Immense care is taken of the fish from the moment it is caught, to the production of the finished smoked salmon to ensure that full justice is done to this magnificent commodity of our natural environment.
Prices must reflect the true value of this resource if it is to be safeguarded whilst still fished. True connoisseurs of this delicacy appreciate this fact and in our experience demonstrate clear understanding of the need to value and protect something so unique.
To find out more about the different species of salmon such as origin, processing, storage, and preparation tips, click on the highlighted links at the bottom of this page.
Shelf-Stable Smoked Salmon Retort

lightly salted using seasalt before being sealed and cooked in its own natural juice. Maple Glazed Retort Smoked Salmon is made by adding a small amount of pure Canadian maple syrup to the fillet of smoked salmon just before it is sealed and cooked.
Double Smoked Maple Glazed Candied Retort, made by the same process but a small amount of pure Canadian maple syrup is added to the fillet of smoked salmon just before it is sealed and cooked. Based on a traditional food of Canada's West Coast First Nations, the resulting flavour has a slightly sweet edge with a mild maple finish.
This 100% natural fillet of smoked salmon is cooked and ready to serve. Unopened and undamaged it will keep without refrigeration for about 3 years.
Natural Wild Smoked Salmon Jerky

Our Wild Salmon Jerky currently available is peppered although occasionally we also have non-peppered in stock. It doesn’t need refrigeration so keep some on hand for any time throughout the year. It’s a healthy and convenient snack to take with you when you go fishing, hiking, camping, skiing or to enjoy while watching the big game on television! Our natural jerky is also great for athletes as it is packed with quality protein to keep you moving and Omega-3’s to promote healthy skin and joints. You will feel good and energized after eating our smoked salmon jerky
Ingredients – Wild salmon, brown sugar, sea salt, pepper, alder wood smoke. No sodium nitrite, artificial colors or MSG, no dairy, no wheat, no soy, no gluten, no preservatives.
Benefits of Cheena Natural Wild Smoked Salmon Jerky
- High amounts of omega 3 (Helps blood flow, brain function, and clear skin)
- Vitamin D (Sunshine in food form!)
- B12 (Promotes good nerve function)
- Selenium (Helps combat stress and supports thyroid)
- High in Protein (Supports healthy body growth)
Why does the natural jerky sometimes taste different or have a different texture?

The taste profile of the natural smoked salmon jerky is going to have a bit of a variety because we use wild salmon. The raw material type is the same, the proprietary recipe is the same, and the smoking process is the same. However, because we use wild salmon, each one is not going to be identical like farm salmon. The oil content is a little different and the meat texture is a little different. So even though we follow the same recipe and production formula, it’s not always going to taste exactly the same.
Additionally, you will also have some variety with what part of the fish was used, or on what part of the smoke rack the filets were placed. Because we use natural hardwood smoke and with how the smoke circulates, the filets on the outside of the rack get a “little bit” more smoke application than the filets on the inside of the rack. When we remove it off the rack we mix it all up to get a balance. In many ways, this is what makes this product special in that it’s very natural, unlike some other brands that use smoke flavour and farm fish or who produce reformed or reconstituted minced jerky with flavouring. With these cookie-cutter products you will get more consistency but our salmon jerky is more unique than that!
Cheena’s Smoking Process

Once hand-filleted, we 'pin bone' the fish removing all traces of bone from the fillet. We then salt the salmon and since each fish will vary in the amount of fat in its flesh, which inhibits salt uptake, they will be brined for different lengths of time, as appropriate. After salting, the fish are "cold smoked", meaning that they are placed on racks in a kiln through which Alder smoke is passed and where the temperature is regulated at between 20 degrees and 28 degrees C. Length of smoking time varies depending on humidity and the size of the fillets, but runs to several hours.
About the Smoking Process

Smoking is one of the oldest methods of preserving fish. Long before there were refrigerators and freezers, our fishing ancestors learned to use a combination of salt and smoke to keep fish from spoiling. Today, smoking is no longer "necessary," but it remains popular for the flavor it gives to fish such as salmon. Smoking methods vary, but all are based on a few common principles. First, the fish is treated with salt, either in the form of a strong brine or a surface coating of dry salt. During this curing stage (which can last for anywhere from a few minutes to many hours depending on the size and density of the fish), a two-way exchange takes place, with much of the moisture drawn out of the fish and some salt soaking in. This combination of reduced moisture and salt inhibits the growth of spoilage bacteria, a basic principle of all cured meats.
Some fish are given a second cure after the initial salting to add additional flavors. Recipes for this second cure are often proprietary secrets, but they typically include sugar in some form; like salt, sugar both draws moisture out of and absorbs into the fish. After curing, the fish is rinsed to remove the salt and other curing ingredients from the surface, then allowed to dry in cool flowing air until a shiny, slightly tacky skin (pellicle) forms on the surface. The pellicle serves several functions: it provides an ideal surface for the smoke flavor to adhere, it helps seal in the remaining moisture through the smoking process, and it prevents the fats in the fish from rising to the surface and spoiling.
The actual smoking takes place inside a chamber filled with smoke from smoldering hardwood. Cheena uses alder wood chips. During the cold-smoking, the fish is slowly smoked for several hours at low temperatures so it remains especially moist and tender. For Retort Smoked Salmon, after the same preparation as cold smoking, the fillets are placed in a gold pouch and "cooked" at high temperature and hot smoked in its own juice.
Cheena Smoked Salmon uses no additives, preservatives or coloring agents. Salt and smoke are the only ingredients used in our finished product. Just lightly cured, tender, and moist, Cheena Smoked Salmon is out of this world!
How is Cheena Smoked Retort Salmon Made?
Cheena's retort smoked salmon is processed slightly different from our lox smoked salmon. After hand filleting, bringing and traditionally cold smoked for 8 to 10 hours, the carefully selected salmon is placed in a gold foil pouch and hot smoked or "cooked" for about 3 hours in its own natural juices. This product is truly unique in process and taste. There are no additives, preservatives or coloring agents used. This product is high in protein, low in cholesterol and rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids. And it tastes great!
Please enjoy this world-class delicacy by simply opening the foil pouch, drain and reserve the natural juices and carefully slide the fillet onto a platter. Garnish it with parsley, capers, lemon and onion slices; put on bread crackers; or use your imagination by using it over pasta, in salads, sandwiches or pates... An unopened pouch will keep for 3 years at room temperature which obviously makes it great for travel.
What are the Different Kinds of Cheena Retort Smoked Salmon?
Cheena Smoked Sockeye, King and Pink Salmon are made with premium raw material, rich in color and natural oils. This product is simply smoked and lightly salted using sea salt before being sealed and cooked in its own natural juice.
Maple Glazed Retort Smoked Salmon is made by adding a small amount of pure Canadian maple syrup to the fillet of smoked salmon just before it is sealed and cooked.
Double Smoked Maple Glazed Candied Retort, made by the same process but a small amount of pure Canadian maple syrup is added to the fillet of smoked salmon just before it is sealed and cooked. Based on a traditional food of Canada's West Coast aboriginal people, the resulting flavor has a slightly sweet edge with a mild maple finish.
This 100% natural fillet of smoked salmon is cooked and ready to serve. Unopened and undamaged it will keep without refrigeration for about 3 years.
How to Store Smoked Salmon
All Frozen Smoked Salmon -Smoked King or Smoked Sockeye, Double Smoked Candied Salmon, Double Smoked Soft Jerky, Double Smoked Hot and Sweet Salmon, Double Smoked Salmon Nuggets, can all be kept frozen for up to 6 months for optimum quality. If you find your product has thawed out, please don't worry as these products have been cured, smoked, and vacuum packed. The products will be fine if stored in the freezer once you receive them. Products will also keep in the refrigerator for up to 7 days if the vacuum bag is unopened, or 2 days from when the bag is opened.
All Smoked Salmon Jerky (30g and 75g packs) are shelf-stable that do NOT require refrigeration but should be kept in a cool, dry place. The product will keep up to 6 months. However, storing in the refrigerator will increase the shelf life up to 9 months.
All Retort and Canned Smoked Salmon have been cured, smoked, and retorted (cooked/heat-treated). Therefore, these products are shelf-stable and do not require refrigeration. Storing in a cool, dry place will keep up to 3 years for optimum quality. Once the package is opened, the product needs to be refrigerated and consumed within 5 days.
If you find the product leaking, please contact us at 604-324-6446 or