Reseller Policy for Brand Protection

Reseller Brand Protection Policy

  1. Purpose


Cheena ("BRAND") adopts this Reseller Brand Protection Policy ("Policy") to safeguard its trademarks, service marks, certification marks, logos, and copyrighted material, including product images and written content. The primary objectives are to maintain brand and quality control and prevent consumer confusion. Each authorized person or entity ("Reseller") purchasing BRAND products ("Products") for resale or distribution must comply with this Policy.


  1. Authorized Resellers


This Policy exclusively applies to authorized resellers. Unauthorized or improper use of BRAND's trademarks, copyrighted materials, or unauthorized sale of its products may constitute infringement and unfair competition, violating provincial, federal, and international laws.


  1. Usage Guidelines


Authorized Resellers may utilize BRAND trademarks (excluding logos or taglines) to identify Products, services, and programs on packaging, promotional, and advertising materials only upon approval. Resellers must adhere to the following guidelines:


 A) General Trademark Guidelines:

    - Resellers may not incorporate any BRAND trademark into their company name, product or service name, or domain name.

    - Use of [BRAND] logos is prohibited unless under a licensing agreement.

    - Resellers' company or product names must not resemble any BRAND trademark, and Resellers may not imply any form of sponsorship, affiliation, certification, approval, or endorsement by BRAND.

    - Modification or abbreviation of any BRAND trademark is not permitted.

    - Resellers should include the following trademark attribution statement when using BRAND trademarks: "[List of marks used] are trademarks of BRAND."

    - Products must be sold in their original packaging without removing or modifying any labels, specifications, images, or advertising content.


B) No Resale on Online Marketplaces:

    - Resellers may not advertise or sell Products on any third-party online marketplace without written consent from BRAND.


C) Reseller's Company Brand:

    - Resellers may reference the BRAND name to describe their business truthfully, such as "We sell BRAND products." However, Resellers must prioritize their own company brand and avoid implying an association or affiliation with BRAND that does not exist.


D) Compliance with BRAND's Policies:

    - Resellers must comply with BRAND's Unilateral Pricing Policy, storage and handling policies, warranty obligations, and customer support requirements.

    - Engaging in unfair business practices, false advertising, fraud, or modifying BRAND's warranty is strictly prohibited.


E) Copyrights:

    - Unauthorized use of BRAND's copyrighted material is prohibited without prior approval.

    - This includes design marks, website content, photographs, videos, and other copyrighted materials.

    - Authorized use must be accompanied by BRAND's copyright notice.


  1. Integration and Amendments


This Policy is incorporated into any contract between BRAND and Reseller concerning Product purchase or sale. In case of conflict between the agreement and this Policy, the agreement terms prevail. BRAND reserves the right to amend this Policy at any time and may prohibit any unlawful or improper use of its trademarks at its discretion, even if not expressly prohibited herein.